Looking for cheap cloth diapers?
Don't spend thousands of dollars for your diapers. Don't spend your time searching for the best deals on diapers at Walmart, Target, or other big box stores. No coupons are needed. We have cheap diapers and you can get all the diapers for $115.
No need to mess with size 0, size 1, size 2, size 3, etc. These diapers are one-size and grow with your baby from birth to potty training.
The answer to your cheap diapers search is simple: Elemental Joy cloth diapers
Elemental Joy cloth diapers are the answer. These are simple, easy to use cloth diapers that help you save time and money. Elemental Joy is created by Cotton Babies, the leading manufacturer of cloth diapers and creators of bumGenius and Flip cloth diapers. Our goal is to make cloth diapers as easy as disposables.
Step 1 - Buy your diapers. We recommend 12-24 depending on the age of baby and how often you need to change their diaper.
Step 2 - Your diapers arrive.
Step 3 - Adjust the rise setting. (check out this quick tip for size adjustment)
Step 4 - Fold your insert
Step 5 - Stuff insert in pocket
Step 6 - Put on baby
Wash and Repeat.
Little changes make a big difference! Cloth diapers are the cheap diaper option you've been searching for and you only need to buy once!
Elemental Joy: Delightful diapers for your dollar!
Cheap cloth diapers don't have to be boring either! Elemental Joy cloth diapers come in a variety of cheery colors and prints.
Shop Elemental Joy cloth diapers now.